American Scholars Return to Studying Religion
The college campus has long been perceived as one of the most secular precincts of American society. Within the academy and mass media, the secularization of the university remains a dominant storyline.
Despite its widespread acceptance, strong evidence indicates a new story needs to be told about religion in the academy, one that recognizes the resilience of the study of the sacred in higher education. Marginalized for the better part of a century, the study of religion is making a comeback in American higher education.
In this postmodern era, growing numbers of scholars are challenging the boundary between faith and knowledge, as well as acknowledging the importance of religion as a social phenomenon. Religious professional associations, centers and institutes, journals, and support from philanthropic foundations have been the result.

Photo by Denise Applewhite
further reading online
Want to learn more about current scholarship on religion? John Schmalzbauer provided us with this extensive list of online resources:
Online Studies of Religion:
- UCLA “Spirituality in Higher Education” survey studies
- The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) guide to “Religious Engagement Among American Undergraduates”
- SSRC web forum
- The Immanent Frame: an SSRC blog on Secularism, religion, and the public sphere.
Religion-Oriented Centers and Institutes:
- Center for the Study of Religion (Princeton University)
- Center for the Study of Science and Religion (Columbia University)
- Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (Trinity College)
- Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture
- Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life (Boston College)
- Hartford Institute for Religion Research
- Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs (Boston University)
- Centers and Institutes Project (identifies and profiles centers/institutes focused on the study of religion in America)
Sections of Disciplinary Associations Focused on Religion:
- Religion Section of the American Sociological Association
- Division 36 of the American Psychological Association
- Religion and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association
- Religion and American Culture Caucus, American Studies Association
Scholarly Societies Focused on Religion:
- American Academy of Religion
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
- Association for the Sociology of Religion
- Association for Jewish Studies
- American Society of Church History
Religious/Spiritual Scholarly Societies and Organizations:
- Council of Christian Scholarly Societies (lists Christian organizations in each discipline)
- Society of Christian Philosophers
- The Conference on Faith & History
- Association of Muslim Social Scientists of North America
- Society for Spirituality and Social Work
- The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
- Education as Transformation Project
Secular Advocacy Organizations Focused on the Academy:
Organizations Focused on Values and Ethics:
- Institute on College Student Values (Florida State University)
- Society for Values in Higher Education
- Association for Practical and Professional Ethics
Associations of Religious Colleges:
- Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
- Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
- Lutheran Educational Conference of North America
- Association of Presbyterian Colleges & Universities