Spring 2015 Table of Contents
Here’s the full list of Spring 2015 goodies to go seeking over on contexts.sagepub.com (free for four weeks, so have at it). Items that are available on contexts.org are linked below and will be added over the coming weeks.
“Honey, Your Name Looks Great in Lights.” Eli Pollard talks to Zarela Martinez about her life as a trail-blazing female chef.
Fifty Years of “New” Immigration. Moving forward from the Hart-Cellar Act with John D. Skrentny, Jennifer Lee, Jody Agius Vallejo, Zulema Valdez, and Donna R. Gabaccia.
Dealing with the Diagnosis, by Gary C. David. How naming a medical malady can be both horrifying for new parents and a key to unlocking resources and care.
Jishuku, Altruism, and Expatriate Emotion, by Aya Kimura Ida, Rina Fukushima, Naoko Oyubo-Mathis, and James Mathis. When a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in 2011, the effects were felt by over a million expatriates worldwide.
Is the Grass Greener on the Other Side of the Pacific? by Yingyi Ma. China and the U.S. look to each other’s educational systems as they try to balance individualism and collectivism, ability and effort, and grade school and college rigor.
Marrying Across Class Lines, by Jessi Streib. Even when married couples think childhood class differences are in the past, those factors shape how each spouse tackles tasks and allocated resources.
Social Justice and the Next Upward Surge for Unions, by Judith Stepan-Norris. Labor unions have been on the decline for sixty years in the U.S., though they raise wages, decrease inequality, and give voice to workers. Can they rise again?
In Pictures
Oyler School Against the Odds, by Amy Scott.
A new Marketplace documentary captures Cincinnati’s move toward holistic schools like the Oyler Community Learning Center.
Risky Business. Aaron M. Pallas on Excellent Sheep and Paying for the Party.
College Success and Inequality. Michael Hout on How College Works and Degrees of Inequality.
Hiking the West Bank. Andy Clarno on how hiking became a Palestinian act of resistance.
Words Burn Lips. Silvia Pasquetti on sacrificing history for survival in one Israeli city.
Spain’s Crisis Architecture. Max Holleran on the political contingency of grandiose architecture.
Stay-at-home Fatherhoods. Nazneen Kane on the many motivations driving choices to father full-time.
A Silent Revolution in Korean Marriage. Sangyoub Park on quiet but quick changes to Korean family structures.
Teaching & Learning
Got Skills? Karen L. Kelsky on recognizing skillsets for success within and beyond academia.
Committing Mass Violence to Education and Learning. Laura E. Agnich and Meghan Hale on the rational, if overblown, fears reconfiguring classrooms.
Back Page
I Retired. Now Who Am I? Consciously uncoupled from the career, Bill Falk considers the self.