Call for Papers! Fall 2022 Issue on “Visions and Transformations”

The Fall 2022 issue of Contexts: Sociology for the Public will be dedicated to the theme of “Visions and Transformations.” Since the inception of the discipline, sociologists have critiqued the social world in order to improve it. However, as a discipline, we often emphasize critique at the expense of discussing the institutions, policies, and social practices that might be found in a better future society. We invite sociologists to submit articles that explore a vision of a better future. How can we transform the social world in ways that might be more liberating and more just? We will seriously consider any proposal that answers such questions with a sociological lens. Such proposals might include, but are not limited to, empirical studies of innovative policies, organizations, and social practices; theoretical discussions of what future communities might look like; and examinations of the impact of revolutionary technologies on current social structures and identities.
Interested authors are encouraged to send a 1-2 page proposal to The deadline is September 15, 2021. Please consult our guidelines page for instructions on preparing this proposal. Guidelines can be found here: We ask all authors to include the phrase “Special Issue: Visions and Transformations” in the subject healing of your email and in the proposal. Upon acceptance, we expect a full manuscript of approximately 3,000 words by January 15, 2022.