
sociology for the public

Contexts Blog

Behind the Startup: A Conversation with Benjamin Shestakofsky

We are thrilled to welcome Benjamin Shestakofsky to the Contexts Blog to celebrate the publication of his new book, Behind the Startup: How Venture Capital Shapes … Read More

Reaching the Public (a.k.a. Why YOU should publish with Contexts)

Why write for Contexts Magazine? Hear from the authors who have published with us! In this video, Contexts feature essay authors Stephanie Canizales, Chiara Cooper, … Read More

Q&A with Dr. Alicia Smith-Tran

In her Winter 2024 Contexts feature, “Pushing Back on ‘Black Don’t Crack,’” Dr. Alicia Smith-Tran explores the ways age, gender, and race intersect to … Read More

Q&A with Dr. Sofya Aptekar

Dr. Sofya Aptekar is the author of the Winter 2024 feature article “Green Card Soldiers.” In this video, she chats with Contexts graduate student editor … Read More

Distinction Through Distancing

“Just recently martial arts has opened up, wearing masks and staying six feet away,” teenager Ryan told us. It was May 2020, the height of … Read More

Why did Motorville stay blue?

I first met Isaac in September of 2019. Though it was still early in the fall, the weather had already turned cold in his hometown … Read More

Letter to the Editors: Incarceration and Nonviolent Drug Offenses

To the Editors: In her essay, “The Drug War Turns 50,” Emily Campbell (2022) seriously misrepresents the situation when she … Read More

Public Practice and the Origins of Sociology: New Thoughts on an Old Issue

As sociology faculty nationwide counted down the days to winter break, heated debate again erupted on Academic Twitter (ahem, X). The point of contention? Praxis-oriented, … Read More

The Struggle for Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Memory

In the video below, USC Professor Hajar Yazdiha, author of The Struggle for the People’s King: How … Read More

Why are French authorities acknowledging racial profiling but doing nothing about it?

I’ve spent much of my adult life studying racism in France. As a Black woman and scholar, I’ve experienced the romanticized Paris of Black … Read More