Informality and Visibility on the Periphery

In her time as a researcher in Abdijan, Jordanna Matlon explored the African city’s peripheral economies and the men who make their livings and identities in these spaces.

Comments 2

Dawn Gatling

May 14, 2012

Danna, WOW, I am sooo very proud of you & all of your accomplishments!! You represent our family so very well. No one could of done it better, I also downloaded your Rap & saved it on my laptop. I've read your articles & dissertation. You're awesome & keep up the excellent work to make a difference in our world. Love Your cousin Dawnie

Bria B.

March 21, 2013

I enjoyed the small amount of your work that I've read. I found myself overwhelmed by curiosity and wanting to learn more as I read although I happened to stumble upon your dissertation website in an unrelated search believe it or not. Regardless you look incredibly familiar and i just would like to know if you ever worked for the Fresh Air Fund in NY at any point in your career???

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