Fall 2017 Table of Contents
Virginia is for Lovers
Four essays by gretchen livingston, peter wallenstein, angela gonzales, and christopher bonastia on the Loving v. Virginia case, including the “bureaucratic genocide” that narrowed Mildred Loving’s racial identity, the persistence of racial binaries alongside the rise of intermarriage, and public constructions of memory.
Marijuana’s Moral Entrepreneurs, Then and Now
by Mike Vuolo, Joy Kadowaki, and Brian C. Kelly
Comparing more than eight decades of anti-marijuana rhetoric shows how two powerful political actors fashioned themselves into national-level moral entrepreneurs.
Commuter Spouses and the Changing American Family
by Danielle J. Lindemann
The rise of commuter marriage reflects decades of social change in women’s workplace participation, American individualism, technological saturation, bureaucratic hurdles, and the symbolic significance of marriage itself.
The Queer Work of Militarized Prides
by Janice M. Irvine and Jill A. Irvine
Pride is always a site of contentious politics, from the protest within the parade to the public’s response and the state’s securitization. The militarization of prides blurs the line between marchers as normal citizens and dangerous deviants.
Accountability After Genocide
by Hollie Nyseth Brehm
Working to prosecute the perpetrators of genocide, remember its victims,
and move forward is an enormous undertaking. after nearly 2 million trials in under a decade, rwanda provides an case study in local legal adaptation toward accountability.
Race, Class, and the Framing of Drug Epidemics
by Rebecca Tiger
Race and class are key variables in how Americans understand which drug users should be subject to or exempted from punitive social control.
In Brief
Faith, neighborhoods, family, and authenticity.
New research from the journals.
On culture, politics, and poverty.
Through interviews with Noam Chomsky, Mark R. Rank, and David Brady, Lawrence M. Eppard considers American inequality.
In Pictures
It’s Better to be Angry Together
by Philip N. Cohen
Capturing the emotion of the M4RJ.
Watching the Ethnographers
Syed Ali on Interrogating Ethnography.
Trans: A Response
Rogers Brubaker on Ivan Szelenyi’s review.
The Diaper Dilemma
Jennifer Randles on diaper need, a truly shitty situation.
The Business of Egg and Sperm Donation
Rene Almeling on the framing of sex cell donations.
The Deliberate Racism Making #gaymediasowhite
C. Winter Han on using white as a proxy for normal in gay media.
Revitalizing Vinyl
R. Saylor Breckenride and William Tsitsos on wax’s recent waxing.
Aging Toward Disaster
Kenneth R. Hanson on an unsettling convergence.
Smarter on Crime?
Christopher Uggen and Ryan Larson on uneven progress in public opinion.
American Religion, All or Nothing at all
Michael Hout on finnding the non-religious through longitudinal data.
Teaching & Learning
Closeted Womanhood
Ellie Malmrose reveals how masculine norms affected her closeted femininity.
Back Page
hurricane party
Rachel Tolbert Kimbro on community in a flood zone.