
sociology for the public

Contexts Blog

What Percent of College Women are Sexually Assaulted in College?

A spotlight is now on sexual assault in college, as college administrators, students, parents, activists, the media, and federal educational regulators all grapple with the … Read More

The Shame Game: New York City Cops’ Union and Power Politics

Wenjian Liu’s funeral marked the fourth time the New York Policemen’s Benevolent Association—the cops’ union—turned their backs on NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio. It likely won’t … Read More

Hookups, sex, and relationships at college

What is going on in today’s heterosexual college scene, which features both casual “hookups” and exclusive relationships?  How does gender structure students’ experiences? We’ll give … Read More

"I Can Breathe," and the Occasional Fear of Covering Protests

Last night, I shot the above picture, which went far more viral than anything I’ve ever posted to Twitter. I shot it while spending … Read More

Contexts Quicklit: 11 recent sociological findings on race and the criminal justice system

Washington State Penitentiary. Photo by Philip N. Cohen from Flickr Creative Commons. With the ongoing outrage over the police killing unarmed Black men, the … Read More

How do you understand people in their social worlds?

Contexts is about understanding people in their social worlds. To do that we often reach into our toolbox of concepts — to help frame questions, … Read More

12 hashtags about feminism that should convince you to get on Twitter

From the Flickr Creative Commons by Charlotte Cooper It’s been another year of ups and downs for feminism. Beyoncé broadcast FEMINIST from the … Read More

Class and sex for young women

Welcome to our new research blog, “Sexuality and inequality research.” Our focus is on how sexuality is affected by various inequalities—class, gender, race, … Read More

On Scholarly Activism

Photo by David Shankbone from Flickr Creative Commons The moment before you are served up to an audience as the attraction for the next … Read More

Sociology's irrelevance in the news

Layers of irrelevance (photo by Dan Phiffer from Flickr Creative Commons) In an article in today’s Chronicle of Higher Education, Orlando Patterson, an eminent … Read More