Freeway Fliers
Recently, the Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW) in a national survey of faculty, found that approximately half of all college-level instructors in the United States now teach in contingent positions, off the tenure track—not including full-time, non-tenure-track faculty members or graduate student teaching assistants.
Freeway fliers tend to be paid rock-bottom wages: the median pay per three-credit course ranges from a low of $2,235 at two-year colleges, to a high of $3,400 at four-year doctoral or research universities. (Unionized faculty adjuncts tend to fare a bit better.) Health and retirement benefits are scarce, and many experience little or no job security, even after years of teaching for the same academic employer.
Over 80 percent reported teaching part-time for more than three years, and over half for more than six years. These part-time faculty saw little, if any, wage premiums based on their credentials.
Approximately three quarters of respondents said that if a more permanent and secure position were offered, they would eagerly take it. Burdened by anxieties about course load uncertainty and often disconnected from other faculty and from general participation in campus life, theirs is a solitary business.
The enormous changes now taking place in higher education nationally have faculty of all ranks worried. Part-time faculty, the fastest growing sector of the academic labor force, are particularly vulnerable.
Comments 1
June 5, 2013How "recently" do you mean? I think you are working with old data and this make it sound better than it really is.
As far as I can tell, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) reports that some 76 percent of college and university instructors in the U.S. fall into a contingent faculty category.