Spring 2016 Table of Contents
Racial inequality, sexism and rape, poverty and exploitation, heteronormativity—sociologists are dedicated to uncovering injustices, analyzing why and under what conditions they arise, and seeking out ways they might be changed. There’ll always be problems in the world, but for this issue we’ve decided to look for what’s getting better, what our managing editor calls the “sociology of the A-OK.” Americans are happier and less stressed, affordable housing is creating new communities, and U.S. attitudes toward LGBTQ citizens are better than ever. Just this once, let the good news roll! Select articles will be hyperlinked as they become available on contexts.org over the next month, and the whole issue is available for free online until July 23, 2016 at ctx.sagepub.com.
Letter from the Editors:
“Good News!” by Syed Ali and Philip N. Cohen.
In Brief:
Making change, blurring boundaries, and rethinking the life course: new research from the journals.
“RaceBaitr Talks #HistoryByHillary, Queerness,” by Stephen W. Thrasher. Genderqueer activist Hari Ziyad on calling out hypocrisy and fighting racism without engaging racists.
“How To Do Ethnography Right.” The methods, practices, and conundrums facing ethnographers, with Dana R. Fisher, Alexandra Murphy, Colin Jerolmack, Kimberly Kay Hoang, and Rhacel Salazar Parrenas.
“U.S. Attitudes Toward Lesbian and Gay People Are Better Than Ever,” by Tina Fetner. Increases in positive attitudes toward LGBT Americans have outpaced change on other social dimensions.
“Social Mobility Among Second-Generation Latinos,” by Van C. Tran. New data shows that Latinos weathered the recession well and are poised to seize opportunities for further social mobility.
“Immigrant Rights Are Civil Rights,” by Hana Brown and Jennifer A. Jones. Black-brown coalition activism is changing hearts, minds, and legislation in Mississippi and across the American South.
“Transitioning Out Loud and Online,” by Arlene Stein. Today’s gender dissidents find support, community, and practical advice by sharing information and creating intimacy through trans vlogs.
“Celebrating New Citizens, Defining the Nation,” by Sofya Aptekar. Exploring naturalization ceremonies as sites of Durkheimian ritual, creating social solidarity and shaping stories of the nation.
“A Hand Up for Low Income Families,” by Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Laura Tach, Jennifer Sykes, and Kathryn Edin. How the Earned Income Tax Credit supports working families without imposing stigma.
In Pictures:
“Affordable Housing in New York,” by David Schalliol. Thinking through a notoriously expensive city’s low-income housing by focusing on residents and community.
“Forming Families.” Barbara J. Risman on Modern Families.
“Romancing the Data.” Letta Page and Syed Ali on Modern Romance.
“Beauty Beyond a Size 16.” Amanda M. Czerniawski on the difficult work of expanding beauty ideals.
“A Less Stressed, Less Harried—And Slightly Happier—America.” John P. Robinson and Elena Tracy on an overblown cult of stress.
“First-Generation Sociology Majors.” Roberta Spalter-Roth and Mary S. Senter on soc majors’ intentions and outcomes.
Teaching & Learning:
“From Charity to Change.” Jennifer McKinney and Karen Snedker on bringing a tent city onto campus.
Back Page:
“What Good News Looks Like.” Joel Best on finding the bright spots amid persistent problems.
Comments 1
July 18, 2016You keep it up now, unadestrnd? Really good to know.