
sociology for the public

Guest posts

Navigating the Path to Legal Status: An Undocumented Immigrant’s Story, Pt. 1

Part 1: “No Matter What Happens, Please Don’t Leave Me Here” In 1990, my parents brought our family across the Mexican/American border. I was two … Read More

The Privileged Professor

How faculty hiring and promotional practices convert unearned advantages into indicators of “merit." Read More

Black Sociology: A Primer

Black sociology analyzes society from the standpoint of Black people to highlight how historical social structures affect them today. Its scholars-activists bridge academia and the public from a non-eurocentric perspective by addressing the interconnectedness of racial and economic inequalities impacting Black Americans. Read More

After Affirmative Action: Reflections from Older Siblings

The recent SCOTUS decision on affirmative action does not just perpetuate inequality in college access—it also intentionally pits racial minorities against each other. Read More

Who You Are and Where You Belong

What do schools teach children about their position and direction in the world? Read More

Tech Talk: Diversity Discourse in Silicon Valley

Amid heightened scrutiny, how do tech workers make sense of diversity within their own companies and arrive at the conclusion that they're "better than most"? Read More

Radical Theatre at The New College

The Florida professor’s inevitable termination was the cause, not the consequence, of his speech. Read More

Humor, Risk, and Black Twitter: Insights from the 2014 Ebola Outbreak

What types of digital humor emerge during an outbreak? And how does humor help negotiate themes of risk, contagion, and connections with others, particularly within Black Twitter? Read More

How To Fact-Check an Ethnography (or Anything Else)

Recent years have seen increased emphasis on fact-checking in journalism, politics, and academics. Ethnography presents a particular set of challenges that some scholars have … Read More

Book Bans Impact Students’ Worldviews

Do you remember the first book you read that changed your life? I do. It was Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. I was in an … Read More