
sociology for the public

Guest posts

Is there anything positive coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash.   Social critics typically have the role of highlighting negative or … Read More

Pandemic Intensified Motherhood

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash. I feel responsible for my son’s well-being –  his happiness, his … Read More

Cross University Collaboration for STEM Education and Social Justice

Image by Harish Sharma (Source: Pixabay) Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “My humanity is bound up in … Read More

Coronavirus and Community: A Spring 2020 Course Fashioned Off Contexts’ Call for Papers on the Global Impacts of the Pandemic

Photo by Caniceus (Source: Pixabay). As the world moved to remote teaching and learning this past spring, … Read More

The damage done

Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash. The storming of the US Capitol building came as a shock … Read More

Kim Ng’s rise does not solve baseball’s gender and race problems

A panoramic view of Miami Marlins Park. (Photo by David Aughinbaugh II. Source: Flickr, CC) Kim Ng’s … Read More

Empathy is Hard. What We Need is (Sociological) Imagination

Photo by David Drexler (Source: Flickr) I live in the liberal bubble of Kent, Ohio, home to … Read More

Arranged Marriage in the Spotlight of “Indian Matchmaking”

Image by rajeshkoiri007 (Source: Pixabay) In Netflix’s docuseries, “Indian Matchmaking,” singles search … Read More

Are google searches different in states with more Trump supporters? A look at searches about gender, race, and sexuality

Image by chayka1270 (Source: Pixabay) You can tell something about a person—or a state—by their Google searches. This is … Read More

Vaccines, Masks, and Routine Disruptions during COVID-19

COVID-19 has forever changed the world and our lives. As of the beginning of July, the total COVID-19 cases around the world is approaching … Read More