Stereotypes and media mischaracterizations prohibit conversations between Muslims and non-Muslims that could otherwise counteract false assumptions.
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Many “culture camps” seek to enhance transnational adoptees’ sense of ethnic identify. While camps may not achieve this goal, they do provide a space for adoptees and their parents to feel supported, create networks, and explore an “adoptive” identity.
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The cultural assimilation of American gays has many seeking residence outside of traditional gay neighborhoods. In a “post-gay” era, some feel gay enclaves have become indistinguishable or nonexistent.
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by Jeremy Freese and Eszter Hargittai
Fall 2010
In the last decade, geocaching has come to provide a way that technology can enhance our interaction with the physical and social worlds. Participants are sharing knowledge and creating community in the digital age.
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Promises of exuberance and excess no longer appeal to a sobered American public. This has left Las Vegas struggling to reinvent its image.
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TV shows have piqued public interest in forensic work and how crime is done. But the attention hasn’t necessarily been good for those who work with corpses in real life. Medical examiners’ daily work remains mundane, misunderstood, and underappreciated.
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Despite being marketed as the first black princess cartoon, Disney’s The Princess and the Frog fails to challenge gender and race stereotypes. Charania and Simonds provide detailed commentary and illuminate how the film merely reworks and disguises old, familiar themes.
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Consumption has taken an inconspicuous turn during this recession, and “Depression chic” has emerged as an outlet for those who want to spend without appearing ostentatious. Overpriced, baggy sack dresses, newsboy hats, and Mary Jane shoes allow buyers to acknowledge something is amiss while still enjoying the pleasures of shopping and style.
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“America’s Playground” entertains many with its glitz and gambling, but it’s also home to many street homeless. This essay explores the paradox.
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Shows like Kid Nation and Jon & Kate Plus Ei8ght have provoked concern over child exploitation. Limited protections exist for kids on such shows, who are considered neither performers nor laborers.
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