
sociology for the public

Winter 2015

Volume: 14 | Number: 1

New editors Syed Ali and Philip Cohen start their tenure with a bang, including articles on carrying (and concealing) weapons, on the lessons of Ferguson, and what uprisings in France can teach us about protests in the U.S. Also: lesbian geographies, Piketty in perspective, recollections of genocide, and “velvet rope racism” at urban nightclubs.

Same Trailer, Different Park

I’m in my Florida room inside the Silver Sands Mobile Home Court. It is a linoleum-floored, screened in porch that runs the length of my … Read More

Carrying Guns, Contesting Gender

How carrying a concealed weapon reinforces and challenges gender norms and changes how women move through and experience public space. Read More

The iPhone Effect on Social Interaction

Last September, Apple sold 10 million iPhone 6 devices in a weekend. Are those just 10 million new ways to hinder face-to-face interaction? Read More

Neoliberal Mothering

Vaccine refusal is an elite process in which mothers embrace and replicate privilege in order to advocate for their children against state public health standards. Read More


How anti-Muslim fringe organizations became part of the mainstream in the post-9/11 world. Read More

Contextualizing Cambodia

Chhe, courtesy In 1975, the Khmer Rouge overthrew the government of Cambodia. Over the next four years, the communist political party embarked on … Read More

Lesbian Geographies

When we think about gay neighborhoods, many of us are not immediately imagining lesbians. But like gay men, lesbians also have certain cities, neighborhoods, and … Read More

On the Sharing Economy

Sharing comes easily to us. We share particulars like names and lineages, ideas and experiences, kisses and embraces, as well as vital generalities like air … Read More

Ferguson and “Rapid-response” Teaching

Systematic racism was evident again late last summer in the now thoroughly media-covered shooting of an unarmed young Black man, Michael Brown, by a … Read More

Financial Aid in Crisis

Next time you’re looking to start a conversation with a college student (or college survivor), test-drive this question: “Is college affordable?” If you think … Read More