Spring 2017 Table of Contents

The Spring 2017 issue of Contexts is available for free online until July 15, 2017 at http://journals.sagepub.com/home/ctx. In addition, links to select articles below will go live as the articles become available on contexts.org over the next month. If a link does not work, the article has not yet published on our site.
Letter from the Editors
Syed Ali and Philip N. Cohen
In Brief: New Research from the Journals
- “In Defense of Alternative Facts,” Kelly Beavan
- “Measuring Race to Measure Inequality,” Lucia Lykke
- “How Grown Siblings Divide Care Work,” Carrie Clarady
- “Marriage and the Genetic Risk of Depression,” Justin Maietta
- “Success and Failure in Framing Movements,” Danielle Koonce
- “Long-Term Job Insecurity Is Depressing,” Rose Malinowski Weingartner
- “Regulatory Relief for Researchers,” Abigail E. Cameron, TX Health and Human Services Commission
Q&A: Race and Rachel Dolezal, An Interview
When scholar Ann Morning found herself fielding media calls about a certain (and certainly notorious) former NAACP chapter president, she wanted to know more. So she asked.
Viewpoints: Whitewashing the Working Class
By Robert B. Horwitz, Victor Tan Chen, Matthew W. Hughey, Jason Eastman, Katherine J. Cramer, and Sean McElwee. Six essays consider the emotion, economic power, racial animus, alienation, anti-elitism, and exploitation of the “white working class”–and how it all fit into the 2016 election.
Forced and Coerced Cesarean Sections in the United States
By Theresa Morris and Joan H. Robinson
The rise of the c-section is tied not to maternal or fetal outcomes, but to organizational and legal imperatives. To those ends, a woman’s rights to bodily integrity and decision-making–even the right to refuse surgery–are frequently challenged in childbirth.
Desperation and Service in the Bail Industry
By Joshua Page
In a cutthroat business, bail bond agents leverage their clients’ unmet needs for information and support to get a leg up on the competition. Service is entwined with aggressive, even predatory profit-seeking.
Marketing Manhood in a “Post-feminist” Age
By Kristen Barber and Tristan Bridges
In “manvertising,” satirical masculinity is used to sell men on products they presumably avoid for fear of what it might say about their gender and sexual identities. The satire obscures the consequences of hybrid masculinities though they’re on full display.
Durkheim’s “Suicide” in the Zombie Apocalypse
By Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, and Melissa Osborne
Hypothesizing the end of functional society by reading Durkheim and watching “The Walking Dead,” three scholars consider how low social integration and low moral regulation shape suicide risk at the group level.
In Pictures: Photographs of the Mind
By Mark Andres
The illuminating work of the Seeing with Photography collective.
The Politics of Trans Identities
Iván Szelényi on Trans
Attention for Sale
Andrew M. Lindner on The Attention Merchants
D Is for Disaster
Kathryn Wells and Timothy J. Haney on a subgenre of children’s literature.
Kids, Creativity, and Katrina
Alice Fothergill and Lori Peek on the post-disaster culture created by kids.
New Americans and Civic Engagement
James C. Witte and Shannon N. Davis on immigrant volunteerism.
Painted into a Corner
Robert M. Adelman, Shelly M. Kimelberg, Joanne Tompkins, and Watoii Rabii on visual arts teachers’ not-so-pretty future.
Teaching & Learning
Raising the Visibility of Gender-nonconformists
Barbara Risman on National Geographic’s “Gender Revolution.”
Back Page: The [Un]Surprising Alt-right
Robert Futrell and Pete Simi on the simmering sentiments and political fortunes of White supremacists.